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If this article were like most I've found, I would be saying "You should quit smoking. THE END." However we all know that in some cases that isn't going to happen. So first let's discuss what will happen to baby when mom smokes according to the Surgeon General:

Monday, April 23, 2007

Stretch Marks ~ That Badge of Motherhood We Can Do Without

Google "prevent stretch marks", and you will find lotions, oils, ointments, massage gloves, and just about everything under the sun claiming to do the trick. But do they work?

Sadly, probably not. So far the only thing medically proven to prevent stretch marks are good genes. Pregnant bellies are going to expand, and stretch marks occur at a deep level of skin, where lotions etc. will be of no consequence. Does this mean throw out the cocoa butter? Nah, a stretching belly will appreciate a little moisturizing, it just won't work miracles. That's what you're doing inside that ever expanding waistline.

The good news about stretch marks (which can appear not only on the tummy, but sometimes on breasts, thighs, hips & bootie) is that they fade. Firstly, they appeared on skin that has been stretched to max capacity. So just like that belly tattoo, they will shrink considerably within the days and weeks after delivery. Within months after pregnancy, the marks will lighten from the dark purple or red color to almost match normal skin tone (usually lighter).